So when I was growing up, "Indians" weren't really the bad guys I saw in the old western movies. In fact, when you're a kid playing "cowboys & Indians" with your friends, it was usually more fun to be an Indian. And while I'd heard stories of "Indian fighters" like General Custer and Kit Carson, I never really understood why there was a need for "Indian fighters," or - more importantly - why they were treated like heroes in popular culture. Couldn't everyone just get along?
Nathaniel Philbrick has written an excellent history in The Last Stand: Custer, Sitting Bull, and the Battle of the Little Bighorn that brings to life the people on both sides of Little Bighorn, starting with Custer and Sitting Bull. For most of the book I thought he seemed overly partial to the Indians by his tone and language, but by the end it mellowed and seemed almost impartial and this is when the book became most interesting and human. Since the precise details of Custer's demise are unknown, Philbrick offers his own speculation based upon the various accounts and evidence available. He presents the different eyewitness stories and how they measure up against what he believes was the most important factor in the battle: the physical terrain. Numerous maps and photos (b&w and color) help put faces to the names and places.
I received the book from Amazon Vine and after I posted my review I soon learned that when you wade into the tall grass of the Little Bighorn opinions run pretty strong. Apparently this is a part of history that is still avidly studied and hotly debated. Nonetheless, this is a good introduction to the subject - and a really good read, too!
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